Excel Spreadsheets, Office Documents and PowerPoint Presentations
Along with making things look pretty on the Web and in print, we also have quite the knack for Office documents that will make your life easier and allow you to look more professional.
Some clients prefer to print their headed paper as they go, rather than go to the expense of having a stockpile in the office stationery cupboard. Not a problem! We can create a Word template that you can use each and every time you send out a letter.
Excel is also something we are pretty nifty at. Creating invoices will become a breeze after we create spreadsheet documents for you. All of the equations are there for you, ready to go; all you need to do is to fill out the costs and product information. The totals, including any extra fees like VAT or PayPal fees, are worked out for you!
We’ve also produced PowerPoint presentations for clients that have enabled them to focus on the content of the presentation itself, rather than the generation of them. Once the basis of the presentation is agreed, we can then talk with you about how the slides will work alongside your spoken performance. Tables, images and animations can be utilised to push forward the ideas you’re talking about, rather than having something that looks cheesy and clumsy, or just plain boring. All of us have seen those toe-curling PowerPoint presentations, with things flying all over the place and no uniformity. We can create good-looking and seamlessly flowing presentations to fit your company branding, allowing you more time to practice your speech, rather than spend hours in front of the screen.
Powerpoint presentation videos are set to change every 10 seconds. They’re an indication as to what can be achieved by way of style and animations, so feel free to make them full screen and skip through as the files are rather long.
A presentation on a therapist, produced for a University student.
A partial of a presentation for Folium Consulting, a tax advice and estate planning company.