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29 Broomfield Avenue, Leigh On Sea, Essex, SS9 4BL

How to get Support from Bang! Graphics




Support is something that, as far as we’re concerned, needed some organisation and thought. As Bang! Graphics has become busier, we’ve felt the need to make some changes that would help us stay organised.

The following avenues for support mean that no jobs will be missed; also, that they’ll all be dealt with in the order that they arrive, making it fair for everyone. With customers dotted all over the world and requests arriving at all times of the day and night, we’ve come up with three easy ways to get hold of us, no matter where you are. Take a look at the following options, and choose the one that suits you best.


Just send an email to that address. That. Is. All.

To get any changes made to your site, or to ask for help with any product that we offer, all you need to do is email That email address is hooked up to a support portal called Zendesk, which will help us to keep track of all the jobs and support requests we receive.

bang-graphics-support-live-chatYour email gets turned into a ticket, which gets listed by arrival time. We update the ticket with questions, with notes or by telling you the job is finished, and you’ll receive an email with the update. If you wish to respond, just reply to that email and the ticket updates again.


Even better than email! You get one of us, on demand, during the day. Well … almost. If you’re based in another country, someone should be available between UK working hours of 9am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.

If we have to take a quick break, we’ll set our status to “Away”, but even then whatever you write will be added straight to the support portal mentioned above. The same goes for ‘out of hours’ requests. Instead of displaying “Chat to us now”, it will say “Leave a Message” – your request will go straight to the support portal, and will be dealt with as soon as we see it. Pretty swish, eh?



Ok, this one is a little less exciting, but it needs a mention. During the working week, 9am – 5.30pm, Monday – Friday, please feel free to call Bang! Graphics on +44(0) 7472 33 11 36.

If we don’t pick up, we’re most likely on another call; but we’ll get straight back to you as soon as we’re available again.